

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2024-05-06T12:02:42+00:00

2019-07-12T14:45:21+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:2/2, chars:1396, date:2019-07-12T14:45:21+00:00, version:0.30.18 /0.30.18

2019-07-12T07:17:08+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:2/2, chars:1396, date:2019-07-12T07:17:08+00:00, version:0.30.18 /0.30.18

2019-07-12T07:17:06+00:00: 283-fb4c3c26 submitted in issue #284: "The test is skipped because it fails time to time. I suspect that the problem is on their side,..." at test/front/test_daily_summary.rb; 73-75 /0.30.18

2019-07-12T07:16:57+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:2/2, chars:1343, date:2019-07-12T07:16:57+00:00, version:0.30.18 /0.30.18

2019-01-10T09:34:18+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/1, chars:785, date:2019-01-10T09:34:18+00:00, version:0.30.15 /0.30.15

2019-01-10T09:33:29+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/1, chars:785, date:2019-01-10T09:33:28+00:00, version:0.30.15 /0.30.15

2019-01-10T09:33:27+00:00: 91-c7ddbd51 submitted in issue #103: "This unit test doesn't work for some reason. I can't figure out what's wrong here. Let's..." at test/test_bank.rb; 37-39 /0.30.15

2019-01-10T09:33:22+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/1, chars:732, date:2019-01-10T09:33:22+00:00, version:0.30.15 /0.30.15
