

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2024-05-04T20:37:38+00:00

2023-11-09T03:37:47+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:8/23, chars:15927, date:2023-11-09T03:37:46+00:00, version:BUILD /BUILD

2023-11-09T03:37:41+00:00: 200-e1abb509 closed in issue #354 /BUILD

2023-11-09T03:37:39+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:8/23, chars:15892, date:2023-11-09T03:37:37+00:00, version:BUILD /BUILD

2023-11-08T03:58:28+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:9/23, chars:15891, date:2023-11-08T03:58:27+00:00, version:BUILD /BUILD

2023-11-08T03:58:25+00:00: 90-43f9c549 closed in issue #352 /BUILD

2023-11-08T03:58:23+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:9/23, chars:15856, date:2023-11-08T03:58:22+00:00, version:BUILD /BUILD

2022-12-06T00:02:53+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:10/23, chars:15855, date:2022-12-06T00:02:52+00:00, version:BUILD /BUILD

2022-12-06T00:02:50+00:00: 317-34dbec36 closed in issue #371 /BUILD

2022-12-06T00:02:47+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:10/23, chars:15820, date:2022-12-06T00:02:47+00:00, version:BUILD /BUILD

2022-07-29T04:03:03+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:10/11, chars:6765, date:2022-07-29T04:03:02+00:00, version:0.31.4 /0.31.4

2022-07-12T19:00:59+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6764, date:2022-07-12T19:00:59+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T19:00:00+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6764, date:2022-07-12T19:00:00+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:57+00:00: 33-9ff485f7 submitted in issue #398: "Test doesn't work since AWS Dynamo config is not available in runtime. We should find a way to..." at s3auth-relay/src/test/java/com/s3auth/relay/MainTest.java; 51-52 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:56+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6715, date:2022-07-12T18:59:55+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:53+00:00: 191-7e266bd1 submitted in issue #397: "The test fails to retrieve the expected content over SSL. The response body is empty while it..." at s3auth-relay/src/test/java/com/s3auth/relay/HttpFacadeTest.java; 523-526 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:52+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6666, date:2022-07-12T18:59:51+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:48+00:00: 213-721856fe submitted in issue #396: "Create new a class Facade with all protocol-neutral code (such as socket handling, socket queue,..." at s3auth-relay/src/main/java/com/s3auth/relay/HttpFacade.java; 66-69 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:47+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6617, date:2022-07-12T18:59:47+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:44+00:00: 213-af390358 submitted in issue #395: "Create a FtpFacade in order to provide a FTP gateway. Also unignore test 'connectDisconnect' in..." at s3auth-relay/src/main/java/com/s3auth/relay/Main.java; 67-68 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:43+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6568, date:2022-07-12T18:59:42+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:39+00:00: 213-2f9b789a submitted in issue #394: "Implement TLS secure port listening in a manner analogous to HttpFacade." at s3auth-relay/src/main/java/com/s3auth/relay/FtpFacade.java; 65-66 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:38+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6519, date:2022-07-12T18:59:38+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:35+00:00: 213-d22cf12f submitted in issue #393: "Implement methods 'withCode', 'withText', 'send' as above. Also, implement 'asString' and..." at s3auth-relay/src/main/java/com/s3auth/relay/FtpResponse.java; 55-57 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:34+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:11/11, chars:6470, date:2022-07-12T18:59:34+00:00, version:0.31.3 /0.31.3

2022-07-12T18:59:30+00:00: 213-6939d515 submitted in issue #392: "Implement relay functionality to fetch resource upon receival of the RETR command with valid..." at s3auth-relay/src/main/java/com/s3auth/relay/FtpThread.java; 54-57 /0.31.3

