

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2017-06-14T19:16:16+00:00

2017-06-14T18:49:08+00:00: 90-019e6c1b submitted in issue #100: "Create separate exception for Engine errors." at sunshine-core/src/main/java/io/github/tatools/sunshine/core/Engine.java; 16-16 /0.18.7

2017-06-14T18:49:07+00:00: 90-c2a01578 submitted in issue #99: "Remove this interface and replace with Suite's implementations." at sunshine-core/src/main/java/io/github/tatools/sunshine/core/Location.java; 12-12 /0.18.7

2017-06-14T18:49:04+00:00: 82-9d27527e closed in issue #90 /0.18.7

2017-06-12T08:27:10+00:00: 82-c2fdbb0d closed in issue #89 /0.18.7

2017-06-11T09:56:45+00:00: 82-d0011c1b closed in issue #88 /0.18.7

2017-06-11T09:14:55+00:00: 70-054d7555 closed in issue #84 /0.18.7

2017-06-10T20:34:27+00:00: 82-8b2fcc7c submitted in issue #91: "Review IOException exception. According to Fail Fast strategy it needs to be checked. May it's..." at sunshine-core/src/main/java/io/github/tatools/sunshine/core/IOException.java; 9-11 /0.18.7

2017-06-10T20:34:26+00:00: 82-9d27527e submitted in issue #90: "Review a usage of TestClassException exception. According to Fail Fast strategy it needs to be..." at sunshine-core/src/main/java/io/github/tatools/sunshine/core/TestClassException.java; 12-14 /0.18.7

2017-06-10T20:34:25+00:00: 82-d0011c1b submitted in issue #88: "Review all implementations and make sure all of them have proper names." at sunshine-core/src/main/java/io/github/tatools/sunshine/core/Rule.java; 8-8 /0.18.7

2017-06-10T19:34:41+00:00: 70-054d7555 submitted in issue #84: "Use some temporary directory instead of pre-configured for storing TestNG XML suite file. Our..." at sunshine-testng/src/main/java/io/github/tatools/sunshine/testng/Sunshine.java; 18-20 /0.18.7

2017-06-10T19:34:40+00:00: 23-eb379235 closed in issue #62 /0.18.7

2017-06-07T20:08:56+00:00: 18-3d82abbe submitted in issue #77: "Describe how to configure custom Junit 4 run." at README.md; 69-69 /0.18.7

2017-06-07T20:08:55+00:00: 18-31fa9f1f submitted in issue #75: "Add an example of Sunshine and Maven integration." at README.md; 59-59 /0.18.7

2017-06-07T20:08:53+00:00: 18-ab73b9ee submitted in issue #74: "Add maven central badge here." at README.md; 13-13 /0.18.7

2017-05-14T19:05:57+00:00: 57-79c35964 closed in issue #66 /0.18.4

2017-05-11T16:23:32+00:00: 57-0ac5d255 closed in issue #67 /0.18.2

2017-04-28T18:15:21+00:00: 57-0ac5d255 submitted in issue #67 /0.18.1

2017-04-28T18:15:20+00:00: 57-79c35964 submitted in issue #66 /0.18.1

2017-04-28T17:52:20+00:00: 46-54b9d0cb closed in issue #60 /0.18.1

2017-04-28T17:26:04+00:00: 46-d4807ff6 closed in issue #61 /0.18.1

2017-04-28T15:11:52+00:00: 23-eb379235 submitted in issue #62 /0.18.1

2017-04-28T15:11:51+00:00: 46-d4807ff6 submitted in issue #61 /0.18.1

2017-04-28T15:11:50+00:00: 46-54b9d0cb submitted in issue #60 /0.18.1

2017-04-28T15:11:49+00:00: 23-1be4ca16 closed in issue #27 /0.18.1

2017-04-25T18:41:31+00:00: 36-9922e029 closed in issue #45 /0.17

