

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2017-08-15T12:28:52+00:00

2017-08-15T07:43:44+00:00: 219-dd617bae submitted in issue #234: "Write some integration tests for this step, check that the tree of steps executes correctly/in..." at src/main/java/com/amihaiemil/charles/github/GeneralPreconditionsCheck.java; 42-45 /0.20

2017-08-09T16:02:21+00:00: 201-af20c932 closed in issue #205 /0.20

2017-07-20T18:29:23+00:00: 220-27beec2c closed in issue #223 /0.18.7

2017-07-20T07:49:08+00:00: 220-27beec2c submitted in issue #223: "Add CachedCommand class, which would handle caching of values that are currently handled here." at src/main/java/com/amihaiemil/charles/github/Command.java; 44-45 /0.18.7

2017-07-20T07:49:07+00:00: 174-2ae6a13d closed in issue #186 /0.18.7

2017-07-20T07:49:05+00:00: 181-ca416da0 closed in issue #184 /0.18.7
