

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2024-05-07T01:32:06+00:00

2018-11-19T13:21:16+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/2, chars:1566, date:2018-11-19T13:21:16+00:00, version:0.30.11 /0.30.11

2018-11-19T12:58:15+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/2, chars:1566, date:2018-11-19T12:58:15+00:00, version:0.30.11 /0.30.11

2018-11-19T12:58:14+00:00: 2-8fc8f104 submitted in issue #7: "Implement `describeMismatchSafely` to provide more details on mismatch, this method should find..." at src/main/java/com/g4s8/hamcrest/json/JsonContains.java; 41-44 /0.30.11

2018-11-19T12:58:13+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/2, chars:1518, date:2018-11-19T12:58:13+00:00, version:0.30.11 /0.30.11

2018-11-19T12:58:12+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/2, chars:1483, date:2018-11-19T12:58:11+00:00, version:0.30.11 /0.30.11

2018-08-24T16:38:17+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/1, chars:809, date:2018-08-24T16:38:17+00:00, version:0.30.3 /0.30.3

2018-08-09T17:37:58+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/1, chars:809, date:2018-08-09T17:37:58+00:00, version:0.30.3 /0.30.3

2018-08-09T17:37:57+00:00: 1-42ecf64e submitted in issue #2: "Add matchers for json-arrays, it should be similar to hamcrest matchers for collections/lists, it..." at src/test/java/com/g4s8/hamcrest/json/JsonHasTest.java; 12-14 /0.30.3

2018-08-09T17:37:56+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:1/1, chars:761, date:2018-08-09T17:37:56+00:00, version:0.30.3 /0.30.3
