

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2017-08-30T07:25:24+00:00

2017-08-30T07:25:23+00:00: 2-0082b70e submitted in issue #21: "Verify Id, Timeout and Content" at it/request_test.go; 42-42 /0.22

2017-08-30T07:25:21+00:00: 3-825dbd34 submitted in issue #20: "Replace pull with push mechanism (e.g. websocket)" at worker/facade.go; 75-75 /0.22

2017-08-30T07:25:20+00:00: 7-2980fcfe submitted in issue #18: "never process a request twice" at worker/processor.go; 27-27 /0.22

2017-08-30T07:25:18+00:00: 5-15364469 submitted in issue #17: "drop must accept responses and delete the associated request" at drop/facade.go; 85-85 /0.22

2017-08-30T07:25:17+00:00: 6-2995de11 submitted in issue #16: "drop must provide responses" at drop/facade.go; 80-80 /0.22

2017-08-30T07:25:16+00:00: 10-1e6f99c1 submitted in issue #15: "secure drop against DoS and bruteforce attacks" at drop/facade.go; 48-48 /0.22

2017-08-30T07:25:15+00:00: 1-0d74c8e7 submitted in issue #14: "Make Start()/Stop() thread safe" at daemon/daemon.go; 32-32 /0.22

2017-08-30T07:25:14+00:00: 4-3f50223d submitted in issue #13: "replace dummy config with configuration mechanism" at cmd/deadbox.go; 23-23 /0.22
