

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2024-05-19T16:52:34+00:00

2020-03-27T17:20:25+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7586, date:2020-03-27T17:20:24+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:47+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7586, date:2020-01-16T16:55:47+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:43+00:00: DEV-7d90d09b submitted in issue #14: "Think about support of Postgres, MySQL, Oracle and others. We need to reuse the existing..." at todo.yml; 16-34 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:41+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7540, date:2020-01-16T16:55:41+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:36+00:00: DEV-dab00982 submitted in issue #13: "Migrate to ruby 2.7.0. For now the project has 2.6.5. The project is new, it shouldn't be so..." at todo.yml; 13-14 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:34+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7494, date:2020-01-16T16:55:34+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:30+00:00: DEV-f11c7ae3 submitted in issue #12: "Publish a gem to the rubygems.org. Add this instructions to the @Rultor. No manual actions required." at todo.yml; 10-11 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:28+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7448, date:2020-01-16T16:55:28+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:24+00:00: DEV-0cebd13d submitted in issue #11: "There a lot of badges in readme which aren't enabled for now. Let's enable them." at todo.yml; 7-8 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:22+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7402, date:2020-01-16T16:55:22+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:18+00:00: DEV-7f4f0ad5 submitted in issue #10: "Explain in readme.md how to use the project, add more instructions and generic guide." at todo.yml; 4-5 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:15+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7356, date:2020-01-16T16:55:15+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:10+00:00: DEV-1214b7cd submitted in issue #9: "Enable Travis CI as second CI server once the project became a public. This might be alternative..." at todo.yml; 1-2 /0.30.21

2020-01-16T16:55:08+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:12/13, chars:7312, date:2020-01-16T16:55:08+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T16:51:54+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:6/7, chars:4159, date:2020-01-15T16:51:53+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T16:51:50+00:00: DEV-997a1e22 closed in issue #1 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T16:51:47+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:6/7, chars:4124, date:2020-01-15T16:51:47+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:14:04+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:7/7, chars:4123, date:2020-01-15T12:14:03+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:01:23+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:7/7, chars:4123, date:2020-01-15T12:01:22+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:01:18+00:00: DEV-b96fff30 submitted in issue #7: "Raise an exception in case if any of arguments are null or empty. Potentially we may add..." at lib/vcs4sql/sqlite/expected.rb; 63-65 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:01:15+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:7/7, chars:4079, date:2020-01-15T12:01:15+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:01:10+00:00: DEV-41a82912 submitted in issue #6: "Add verification that connection not a null, throw error with proper error code in order to..." at lib/vcs4sql/sqlite/applied.rb; 56-58 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:01:08+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:7/7, chars:4035, date:2020-01-15T12:01:08+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:01:01+00:00: DEV-4e0c8599 submitted in issue #5: "Add verification of array usage over index. The changelog shouldn't be a null." at lib/vcs4sql/sqlite/applied.rb; 47-48 /0.30.21

2020-01-15T12:00:59+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:7/7, chars:3991, date:2020-01-15T12:00:58+00:00, version:0.30.21 /0.30.21

