

This log is here for safety reason. Every time 0pdd is touching your GitHub repository, this log gets a unique record. Later, if 0pdd will try to submit a similar issue by mistake, this log will prevent that from happening, because all records here must be unique.

Since 2017-11-19T16:57:36+00:00

2017-11-19T15:55:35+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:6/11, chars:6773, date:2017-11-19T15:55:34+00:00, version:0.25.8 /0.25.8

2017-11-19T15:55:33+00:00: 58-d132ca5f submitted in issue #62: "Add a Decorator which catches all the checked exceptions, logs them and throws a RuntimeException..." at src/main/java/co/comdor/RtDockerHost.java; 42-43 /0.25.8

2017-11-19T15:55:32+00:00: 58-f5966b34 submitted in issue #61: "Continue implementation of execute and close methods." at src/main/java/co/comdor/Docker.java; 35-35 /0.25.8

2017-11-19T15:55:31+00:00: 55-6975a469 closed in issue #58 /0.25.8

2017-11-19T15:55:30+00:00: 55-c2e6a7b6 closed in issue #57 /0.25.8

2017-11-18T17:42:39+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:6/9, chars:5533, date:2017-11-18T17:42:39+00:00, version:0.25.8 /0.25.8

2017-11-18T17:26:32+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:6/9, chars:5533, date:2017-11-18T17:26:32+00:00, version:0.25.8 /0.25.8

2017-11-18T17:26:31+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:6/9, chars:5484, date:2017-11-18T17:26:31+00:00, version:0.25.8 /0.25.8

2017-11-18T17:26:30+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:6/9, chars:5435, date:2017-11-18T17:26:30+00:00, version:0.25.8 /0.25.8

2017-11-18T17:26:29+00:00: 49-a23d7c2e closed in issue #51 /0.25.8

2017-11-17T16:40:31+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:5/7, chars:4345, date:2017-11-17T16:40:31+00:00, version:0.25.8 /0.25.8

2017-11-16T14:25:29+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:5/7, chars:4345, date:2017-11-16T14:25:29+00:00, version:0.25.8 /0.25.8

2017-11-16T14:25:28+00:00: 49-a23d7c2e submitted in issue #51: "Continue implementing this class. It should use a Docker client which communicates with the..." at src/main/java/co/comdor/Docker.java; 35-37 /0.25.8

2017-11-09T21:27:49+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:4/6, chars:3726, date:2017-11-09T21:27:49+00:00, version:0.25.7 /0.25.7

2017-11-09T19:40:49+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:4/6, chars:3726, date:2017-11-09T19:40:49+00:00, version:0.25.7 /0.25.7

2017-11-09T19:40:48+00:00: 41-08f637ac submitted in issue #43: "Add CachedMention decorator, to cache certain things such as the .comdor.yml file (currently that..." at src/main/java/co/comdor/github/Mention.java; 38-40 /0.25.7

2017-11-09T19:40:47+00:00: 39-77ad7f62 closed in issue #41 /0.25.7

2017-11-08T20:38:24+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:4/5, chars:3015, date:2017-11-08T20:38:24+00:00, version:0.25.7 /0.25.7

2017-11-08T20:38:22+00:00: 39-77ad7f62 submitted in issue #41: "Implement and unit test also a CommanderCheck, which checks if the author is a commander." at src/main/java/co/comdor/github/ArchitectCheck.java; 39-40 /0.25.7

2017-11-06T22:00:10+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:3/4, chars:2473, date:2017-11-06T22:00:10+00:00, version:0.25.7 /0.25.7

2017-11-04T16:29:30+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:3/4, chars:2355, date:2017-11-04T16:29:30+00:00, version:0.25.2 /0.25.2

2017-11-04T16:29:28+00:00: 27-316a9c24 closed in issue #32 /0.25.2

2017-11-04T15:13:47+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:4/4, chars:2319, date:2017-11-04T15:13:47+00:00, version:0.25.2 /0.25.2

2017-11-04T15:13:46+00:00: 34-9af8cff0 submitted in issue #37: "StarRepo and FollowUser are each tested separately, but some tests for this class would also be..." at src/main/java/co/comdor/github/GithubSocialSteps.java; 35-36 /0.25.2

2017-11-02T20:13:34+00:00: Saved XML, puzzles:3/3, chars:1771, date:2017-11-02T20:13:34+00:00, version:0.25.2 /0.25.2

